We were capable to major any domain worth by Google page rank, alexa rank, moz, DA, PA and other tools. But now Google has confirmed with search engine land that they are removing page rank toolbar. You will not find PR update for new or old domains anymore. Now alexa is very effective and useful tool after Google PR. The sites with Good alexa rank receive more enquiries for sponsor posts and advertisement.
What is alexa?
Alexa is the internet information Provider company that offers a toolbar for users. This toolbar gives some number to every website, the lesser number is better. It was found in 1996 and acquired by Amzon.com in 1999.
How alexa works?
They rank every domain based on their traffic, pageviews and some other factors. It updates everyday and this is the main reason it has attracted most webmasters/bloggers/website owners. Every blogger and website owner should think about future of their website/blog. There are lots of sites created and destroyed everyday in lack of proper guidance.
Understand Alexa
Alexa counts the visitors who have installed the toolbar in their browser. And that is the reason the technical blogger or web related website alexa rank are better than other domain theme.
How to improve alexa rank?
Now you are aware from the importance of alexa. The next question arise in mind is how to increase the rank. Below are some important tips to obtain good alexa rank dramatically.
1. Install Alexa toolbar
The toolbar shows rank of website. Alexa server will count your own visit and it dramatically reduces your alexa rank. Click here to download the toolbar.
2. Install Alexa Widget
The browser of your website visitors may not have alexa toolbar, well alexa widget is solution for this issue. It sends the hits to server and down your Alexa ranking.
Install below code in all webpages. Replace techtyre.com with your domain name.
<a href=”http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/techtyre.com”><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/t/a?url=techtyre.com”></script></a>
3. Write unique content regularly
We all know content is a king. Search new topics, research on those topics and write unique fresh contents.
Find the trending news, other local trends, hot topics and write about them. You should write on creative ideas which people love to read. Creative fresh content help search engine to find you for particular terms. If you’re a blogger then share your blogging experience with other webmasters/blogger.
4. Find keywords
Perform some keyword research on particular topic and see which type of keywords may generate traffic. Choose those keywords which have less competition and higher search volume. You can go for Google adwords keywords tool, wordtracker, moz tools for keyword analysis.
Those keyword data will also help you for paid marketing and promotion.
5. Understand your competitor’s marketing strategy
Identify your main competitors, follow what they are doing. Find their backlinks and marketing strategy. You can use some advance level of promotion strategy than your competitors to beat them. Get some guest post and comment in related theme sites. Develop relationship with webmaster by communication.
6. Social Media
We all are aware from the power of social media. Setup business page in facebook, twitter and Google plus. Post your contents or other interesting contents regularly. Join different active facebook groups and post content, this way you will get attention of thousands group members in one shot.
You will find less active Google plus members but all available users may be true visitors for your website/blog.
7. Promotion
Interact with your audience, respond on comment, and submit your website in stumbleUpon, digg, and reddit.
Above methods increase website’s Alexa rank. Don’t forget to share your experience for alexa improvement.