We all know the importance of WhatsApp messenger chat in Smartphone. It becomes more popular by cross platform support such as WhatsApp to social media, email, sms, Bluetooth, xender and other content sharing features make is more useful. Further it supports iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia with free massaging, status updates, voice calling etc. You can make more fun by hacking your friend’s WhatsApp account with legal methods. It’s always interesting to access your friends, relative or beloved one profile. Here I am going to share you the…
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How to
How to Chat on Whatsapp and other messenger Without Internet Using WhatSim or ChatSim
Whatsapp is widely used chat app in the world. It covers all countries where mobile data network or internet connection is available. The features such as making groups, voice calling, Wikipedia search engine, image sharing, video sharing, file sharing, domestic languages keywords makes it more popular and usable. We all know mobile data or Wi Fi connection is required to operate whatsapp. You can’t perform chat or other activity without internet connection. Need of WhatSim/ChatSim Mobile data & wifi connectivity cost us money directly or indirectly. Sometime larger images or…
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