The Moto X4 was launched in India on Monday with 6 GB RAM. The device is available for customer from today at Flipkart and Moto center stores. In addition to RAM this Smartphone has not made any changes finished compare to old Moto X. Recently the company had released a teaser for Moto X4 with android 8.0 Oreo. The price of Moto X4 3GB RAM and 32G Internal memory variants is RS 20,990, as 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage variants are offered for Rs 22,999. In addition, there…
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Articles for Android, Iphone, windows and other smart phones.
HTC U11 with Android 8.0 Oreo Update
HTC India announced that Android Oreo software update is being completed for HTC U11 users. A few users informed that they established the update. The size of this file is concerning 1.48GB. This update of the Android 8.0 ORIO users will be established in software update v3.16.708.3. In addition users will also get updates that perk up the system for the HTC U11 flagship Smartphone. HTC India posts this information via Twitter At the moment; there is not much information regarding the changes as the upgrade. Though, bug fixes and…
Read MoreOppo Plan Future 5G Smartphone with Qualcomm Technology
5G technology may take time to arrive in India but Oppo is a step ahead and thinking to manufacture a smartphone which can support 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G. Looking at ‘5G Pioneer Initiative’, Qualcomm is going to offer Oppo with 5G smartphones, consequently to users can get a new experience. Nowadays in 2018 Qualcomm Technology is popular in China. Oppo, which is known worldwide as a smartphone manufacturer in the world, has announced its partnership with Qualcomm. This statement is conducted by the company for making of 5G devices.…
Read MoreWhy you should avoid Blue Whale Challenge Game
Blue whale game is the most trending topic after several suicide attempts and deaths. The challenger game was originated from Russian social media and developed by Philipp Budeikin a 23 years of teenager. You can’t say it game, it is death trap where user can only win to take own life. The admin of the game offers challenges, one challenge in one day. At begging the challenges are easy like provide your name, phone number, address, cross the road etc but after 10 to 15 days the admin starts showing…
Read MoreHTC teases new Edge Sense features for its squeezable U11 smartphone
It’s time when all companies are launching many smartphone with many effective features. And people prefer many features and facility in smartphone. So, company apply maximum effort on making of smartphone and prepare new features. We also thought and get few mobile manufactures just cannot win this race. For playing it safe they often criticized but when they venture off the beaten track, so the results are often derided as ‘gimmicky’. They are using a stick to try Moto Mods, also used LG’s modular G5. Recently, Taiwanese Technology Company has…
Read MoreCreate New Documents Quickly and Easily in Smart Phones
Whether you are a teacher, an accountant, or a manager, you are probably dealing with different documents on a daily basis. Back in the past, there was a messy pile of papers on your desk, and now numerous files scattered around various folders on the computer. Apart from existing documents, there is a constant need for creating new ones: another report, lesson plan, presentation, business offer and so on. Wouldn’t be nice to create such documents in a few minutes and dedicate the rest of your time to other things…
Read More10 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Cell Phone
We’ve become increasingly attached to our cell phones – for better and for worse. Your smartphone is always with you and you perform all sorts of stuff with it, not just calling and texting. Therefore, when the time comes to finding a new cell phone, we need to take a moment and plan it all. You don’t want to end up spending your hard-earned money on a phone that isn’t just what you want. So, here are nine things to consider when choosing your cell phone. 1. Which OS do…
Read MoreSmart phone with a faster processors
1. Galaxy s8 The device has a lot of key features which attract the users. The Samsung Galaxy S8 comes with a smart watch which is always synchronized with the device and a remote control through which the device can be operated, so this is would be the quite interesting features which make the device look more attractive and technical. The Samsung s8 has got the most attractive look with a slim design. The back end comes with a complete smooth finishing with a camera at the top of the…
Read MoreCaring Tips Of 4g Smart Phones
4G Smartphone is 4th generation Smartphone. In 4G Smart phone you can use 4G sim card. 4G is the latest mobile data of cell phone network coverage and speeds. 3G technology created the first networks fast enough to make Smartphone practical for many apps. But it’s 4G that’s really allowed Smartphone technology to spread its wings. Because it’s 4 to 5 time faster than 3G. So when you want to download a new game or stream a TV show in HD, you can do it without buffering and lags that…
Read MoreHow VPN works to provide you Free Internet without Data plan
You may have heard or read in many blogs which are claiming that we can get free fast internet without mobile data in your smart phone device. Many users are saying it’s false and only method to receive free traffic from website visitors to generate revenue. I have performed many research and reach on some result on this subject. I have tested many methods and they are working for me. One of the most popular methods to get free internet data is by VPN server. Droid VPN, Fly VPN, izzyvpn, FinchVPN,…
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